Hanbury Preservation Consulting lead a multidisciplinary team to create a feasibility study for the proposed Rivers to Sounds to Sea National Heritage Area in eastern North Carolina. In addition to the feasibility study, the team also produced a stand alone Heritage Assets Report, a Heritage Tourism Marketing Assessment and a series of heritage tourism marketing strategies. Over 18 months, the team conducted six public meetings, visited and assessed over eighty heritage sites in a 40 county region and conducted hundreds of hours of stakeholder interviews. They also developed a project website containing all documents and presentations and developed an extensive email list for distribution of announcements and meeting notices.
The feasibility study itself was developed to meet the Nation Park Service Standards and includes a historic context, a statement of significance, a resource inventory, an examination of the extant living traditions, the development of interpretive themes, a series of management alternatives and a checklist and evaluation of the proposed National Heritage Area according to the federal criteria.