Hanbury Preservation Consulting

P.O. Box 6049
Raleigh, NC 27628 USA
(919) 828-1905 phone

Public Consensus Building Plan for South Mountain Battlefield, Maryland

Hanbury Preservation Consulting, working in association with the William and Mary Center for Archaeological Research (WMCAR) completed the South Mountain Battlefield Public Consensus Building Plan. The plan was sponsored by Preservation Maryland and funded by the American Battlefield Protection Program of the National Park Service, the Frederick County Tourism Council, the Delaplaine Foundation, the Rural Maryland Council, and the Frederick County Community Foundation. The plan includes a historic context for the battle, an overview of preservation efforts to date, a review of the public participation from the study, and recommendations for future work. The process involved analysis of federal, state, and local land use regulations for a resource that stretches over two counties and that includes historic buildings, archaeological deposits, and cultural landscapes. The final report included recommendations and models for topics including organizational infrastructure, preservation prioritization, branding, transportation and wayfinding, mapping and signage to define the landscape, tracking tourism impacts, and further specific studies such as a Cultural Landscape Report and Archaeological Assessments. WMCAR was responsible for researching and writing the historic context, GIS mapping, and document production.