The Raleigh Historic Development Commission, Inc. (RHDC) and the City of Raleigh hired Hanbury Preservation Consulting to update the architectural survey of Raleigh by recording properties within the city limits, with a focus on mid-20th-century neighborhoods and areas annexed since 2006 when the last update was completed. Neighborhoods were selected in part as a result of input from residents. Twenty-three individual resources were surveyed or re-surveyed. Five neighborhoods that were previously placed on the National Register Study List were re-surveyed and two were found to be no longer eligible for National Register listing. The communities of Brentwood, Gatewood, Longview Park, Starmount, Windsor Park, and Woodcrest were deemed eligible for listing on the National Register under Criterion A for Community Planning and Development and C for Architecture and placed on the North Carolina Study List on February 8, 2018.