Hanbury Preservation Consulting

P.O. Box 6049
Raleigh, NC 27628 USA
(919) 828-1905 phone

Revolving Fund Feasibility Study for Nantucket Preservation Trust

Nantucket faces an affordable housing crisis compounded by insular geographical constraints. The Nantucket Preservation Trust hired Hanbury Preservation Consulting to conduct a study that examined the intersection of affordable housing, historic preservation, and revolving fund programs. The study includes overviews of approaches to housing affordability in similarly constrained real estate markets, presents case studies of other nonprofit organizations that use real estate tools to address affordable housing in a preservation context, and outlines possible strategies for the Nantucket Preservation Trust to adopt moving forward. A key outcome of the study was identifying the need for affordable workforce housing for those employed in historic trades given the sheer volume of historic buildings on the island and the Trust’s continued investment in building trades education.  The study was completed in 2022.  In 2023 Hanbury Preservation Consulting was invited back to Nantucket to present the study findings as part of the University of Florida-Preservation In Nantucket’s Heritage and Housing Symposium.