While most often architectural survey, compliance is a broad preservation term that encompasses documentation, evaluation, and sometimes mitigation for actions as regulated by the federal, state, or local government under a variety of laws and ordinances. Experience and efficient processes insure that historic resources receive full consideration while overall project schedules aren't unduly impacted.
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Route 727 Bridge Replacement Project
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Logmill Road Improvement Project
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Dominion SVC Substation Expansion Project
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Dominion Pleasant View Substation Expansion
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Belfort Park Road Network Project
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Allder School Road Improvement Project
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Route 696 Improvement Project
- Cultural Resources Survey for the Proposed Crosstrail Boulevard Project
- Cultural Resource Survey of Nike Missile Sites in the City of Virginia Beach
- Cultural Resource Study of Selected sites in the Ettrick Historic District
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Route 624 Bridge Replacement Project
- Cultural Resources Survey of Selected Resources on the Campus of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science
- Cultural Resources Survey of Section 3 of the Proposed Crosstrail Boulevard Project
- National Register Eligibility Evaluation of the Reeves Community Center for Improvements to the intersection of US 52/NC 89 (Renfro Street) at NC 103 SR 2432 (Pine Street)
- Intensive Survey of the Oyster Hatchery, VIMS
- American Battlefield Trust Compliance Surveys in Virginia
- Historic Preservation Consulting Moore Square Master Plan Raleigh, North Carolina
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Route 7/690 Interchange
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Virginia Rail Express Broad Run Parking Expansion Project
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Waxpool Road intersection Project
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Multimodal Transportation Station
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Kincora Intersection Project
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Atwood Road Parcel
- Cultural Resources Survey of Selected Properties in the Cradock and High Street Historic Districts
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Swansboro Investors Tract
- Intensive Survey of Phi Beta Kappa Hall
- Cultural Resources Survey for the Proposed Evergreen Mills Road Turn Lane Project, Loudoun County
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Vint Hill Switching Station, Prince William County, Virginia
- Cultural Resource Survey of the proposed Northstar Boulevard Improvement Project
- Compliance Surveys and National Register Eligibility Evaluations of Selected Properties City of Raleigh Community Development
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Route 10 Improvements
- Section 106 Review Report, Building 20 VAMC Leeds
- Preservation Consultants Meredith College, Beltline Improvement Project
- Cultural Resources Survey of the proposed Pocahontas Trail (Route 60) Reconstruction
- Reconnaissance Documentation of the Howard Griffin House
- National Register Assessment of two Houses, Wake Forest
- Intensive Survey of Yates Dormitory
- Intensive Survey of Muscarelle Museum of Art
- Intensive Survey of Monroe an Old Dominion Dormitories
- Analysis of Comprehensive Plan of Culpeper County
- Phase I/II Archaeological Site Identification, Significance Evaluation and Intensive Survey, Arcola Quarters for the Enslaved
- Phase Ia Cultural Resources Background Review and Reconnaissance Survey for the Proposed Loudoun County Recreation Center, Loudoun County, Virginia
- Reconnaissance Survey Long Mill Dam Removal
- Intensive Survey Maury Hall, VIMS
- Architectural Reconnaissance Survey of the McGhee Street Bridge, McGhee Street Bridge Replacement Project
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Route 655 Improvement Project
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Braxton House
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed English Oaks subdivision
- Cultural Resources Survey for Proposed Lower Sycolin Sewer Alignment
- Preparation of Cultural Resources Component of an Environmental Assessment for the Expansion of the Fort Belvoir Elementary School
- Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of the St. George-Summerville 230 kV Transmission Line
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Chestnut-Stallings Substation Tract
- Cultural Resources Survey of the proposed Wheeler Switching Station Project
- Cultural Resources Survey of the proposed Meredith Forcemain Replacement Project
- Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Belmont Ridge Road Widening Project
- MOA Preparation and Intensive Architectural Survey of Building 115, Veteran Administration Medical Center
- Intensive Survey of Hoxton Hall
- Intensive Survey of the William and Mary Lodges
- Intensive Survey of 406 Jamestown Road
- Intensive Architectural Survey of Building 71, Veteran Administration Medical Center
- Spring Hill National Register Boundary Consulting